Eating to Much Sugar? Here's How to Cut Back

Denise Austin
by Denise Austin | 
What do you think the leading source of added sugars are? Beverages! Yes, that's right... juices, sodas, sports drinks and sweetened coffee drinks will greatly increase your added sugar intake. Not only will consuming too much sugar likely increase your weight but it could lead to many other issues as well; including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Here are 3 tips I have for you to slash the sugar! 

  1. Sugar Drinks, as I mentioned above, are the leading source of added sugar. So the simple thing would be to cut them out! A good replacement for soda is sparkling water with fresh fruit and mint. So delicious and refreshing!
  2. Reach for Fruit instead of an indulgent treat! Fruit is so sweet and delicious, especially this time of the year. After dinner, I love to have some fruit. My favorites are blueberries, strawberries, and rasberries. Top with a little bit of whipped cream. and if you're really craving chocolate, add a few dark chocolate chips!
  3. Eat enough to keep your body satisfied all day and avoid cravings! I have found that cutting back on calories too much backfires. You will end up being hungrier as the day goes on, and more tempted to reach for something less healthy. Nourish your body with fresh, healthy foods; plenty of protein, healthy fat, fiber and whole grains!
I hope these tips help you make healthier decisions and slash the added sugar. You can find more in Fit Over 50: Spring Training, along with some yummy seasonal Spring recipes! It's on newsstands now, or available online here!

Let's live FIT, HAPPY and HEALTHY - together!!
