3 Spring Hobbies To Try!

Denise Austin
by Denise Austin | 
Hi everyone! One of my fun rules I have for myself is to add new hobbies to my life every season. Here are three I have on my list.. give them a try if you want, and share YOUR spring hobbies with me on my Facebook and Instagram!

3 Spring Hobbies

Playing (more!) pickleball. Like so many of you, I am a pickleball convert... it's so much fun!! It's not only fun to play, but it's great for those of us over 50 - win, win! Pickleball is an aerobic workout that is easier on the joints and muscles than some other sports, plus it gets those endorphins going so you get a mood boost, too! With courts popping up everywhere, now is the perfect time to give pickleball a try. This season I plan to continue to play with my family, but also find some new people to play with too! If you're in need of some comfy Pickleball court shoes, I got you covered! The Dilli is part of my Denise Austin line with Easy Spirit; it's so comfy, and cute too! (use code DENISEWALK to save 20%)

Growing fresh herbs. I don't have a large yard for a big garden, so instead I am growing fresh herbs. Basil, parsley, mint, dill, and cilantro are ones I am excited to get growing and use in everything from salad dressings and cold salads to beverages (check out my blog post on how to drink less soda and more water - herbs can help!). You can grow herbs in little pots indoors wherever you have good sunlight, and fresh herbs have nutrients and vitamins, so this spring hobby is a great one to try!

Doing things that make me laugh. We can all use a hearty laugh - it's good for the soul! This spring I plan to check out a comedy club, read a funny book, and add some comedy podcasts to my rotation. I love listening to a good podcast on my walks. Let me know if you have any recommendations!

Whether your spring hobbies include trying out a new workout routine, visiting local parks, or volunteering, do it! Newness keeps us young and vibrant!

Let's live FIT, HAPPY and HEALTHY - together!
