New Month, New Goals

Denise Austin
by Denise Austin | 
Setting goals is a great way to keep you motivated - whether you want to get projects done, focus on a healthy eating plan, be more diligent about exercise and weight loss... goal setting can help. Here are some of my tips for setting goals - and achieving them!

Be realistic. Have you ever decided to start a workout routine, went full steam ahead, and fell off within a few days because your body wasn't ready for it? Creating small steps that lead to the end goal can help you avoid that crash - and also gives you mini-rewards along the way! Starting an exercise routine? Commit to 20 minutes a day for the first week, then 25, then 30... Want to lose 10 pounds? Break it down into two pound increments, and feel that satisfaction - and motivation! - that will keep you on the right path. Small steps WILL lead to big results!

Use a notebook. Tracking your progress is key to sticking to your intentions. It's part of the reason I created my very own journal - so I can keep track of goals, feelings, obstacles and successes! If, for instance, you are trying to eat healthier, you can write down the foods you ate, and how you felt after each meal or snack. From there you can deduce what foods make you feel energized and healthful, and what foods end up making you feel sluggish. Then - begin to swap in those energizing foods! 

Plan ahead. It's so easy to fall into traps that prevent you from achieving your goals. Vacations, social or business obligations, family events, weather... don't let any of these prevent YOU from getting to those goals! I like to sit down on a Sunday, go through my week and schedule in my workouts, at-home meals, and "me time." That way I know that on any given day, I will have made that daily allotment to exercise, eat at least two healthy meals, and spend some time meditating, reading or taking a bath - self care time we all need.

Reward Yourself. My favorite part! Rewards are a great way to stay motivated - and by planning out healthy rewards, you have something to look forward to! Flowers or a plant, candles, a new workout outfit... think of some items that make you feel good and plan them into your mini achievements and your one big goal. This truly is a great motivator!

I hope these steps help YOU plot out a sustainable, enjoyable healthy journey where you reach those amazing goals you have set for are WORTH it!!

Let's live EVER BETTER™ - together!
