Simple Self-Care Tips When You're Busy

Denise Austin
by Denise Austin | 
Happy Holidays everyone! The busy season is finally here, and while it can bring an immense amount of joy, love and happiness, it can also bring stress, as I am sure we are all aware. So try these quick and simple self-care tips when the holiday stress gets a little overwhelming! None takes more than a few minutes and can have a profound positive effect on your outlook...

In a long line? Take a deep breathe. Long lines at the post office, stores or anywhere, really, can be trying on your patience. So I like to take a deep breathe, hold it for the count of seven, and exhale. I do this a few times, and also visualize the end of the line getting closer and closer, and soon I will be there! It also helps to remember that no one wants to be in this long line, so being positive and courteous to everyone helps make the space emotionally lighter.

Too much going on at home? Light a candle! It is amazing how just a few minutes alone where you can re-focus your mind helps to alleviate anxiety and stress. My go-to is to just say "I need a few minutes" and go into an empty room, light a candle and get re-centered. Lavender has calming properties, but don't overlook rosemary - it is both relaxing and energizing, so when you need a break but also need to get right back at it, light a rosemary-scented candle, essential oils, or smell a fresh sprig if you have one around!

Can't fall asleep? Try to relax your muscles head to toe. This is my way of relaxing when I get in bed and can't seem to stop making lists of what needs to be done tomorrow! When you are laying down, try to focus all your thoughts onto your head, and relax your muscles one by one, starting with the forehead, then move to your ears, then eyes, then mouth, then neck, then shoulders and so on. This really helps to calm me down and fall asleep.

Remember, at the end of the day stress is not a bad thing - it keeps us motivated. But too much can be unhealthy, so use these tips to help bring it all back into focus. A little self-care goes a long way! Happy holidays!!

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